If you have done podcasting before and it hasn’t worked out well, I can tell you that it was NOT due to the inability of the podcasters to promote you well! After hearing some frustrated authors talk about their podcast appearances, I decided to share with them the tips I use to get additional promotion and marketing from my podcast appearances.
- Share the show: This may seem obvious, but of the 300+ people I have interviewed on my radio shows & podcasts since 2017, less than 16% share the interview with their communities. How do I know? Because I watch the downloads of various guests and I can always see who has taken the time to promote their appearance and who hasn’t. I know my baseline of listeners and so it is easy to see when a show spikes. It is always because new listeners have downloaded the program. Those listeners came from my guest.
- Tag the Host: You’ll get double coverage on your show this way because you’ll tag the host for the show as well as their author page or business page. Make sure to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
- Post the Show on Your Website: I know this is obvious to some, but really, I’ve seen guests never put their podcast up on their website, even though it would be great for their communities to listen to the new content, new information and different questions that interviewers use to bring out the best stories. Make sure you post it somewhere on your website, be it your blog, media appearances page, or on your about page.
- Make a Transcript: of the interview and convert it into an article for even more exposure on social media, your website and in your newsletter. With all the transcription services available now, you can get this done very inexpensively and it will give you content for your platform for months! You can chunk the interview down into bits to make it into a series or convert it into a pdf tip sheet for your listeners as a bonus for reading your newsletter. If you need some ideas on this we can help you.
- Ask the Host to Speak to Your Group: Ask your host about being in one of your groups. Of all the people I have interviewed, only a handful of guests have ever asked me to speak to their audience. This sort of collaboration is what grows your community. Don’t be afraid to have a podcaster on your program. They will take care of your people. They know what it is like to grow an audience. Even if it is a simple Facebook or Linkedin “live” that is good enough to be helping the podcaster and you promote your work as well as grow the podcaster’s audience. It is a total win-win-win for everyone!
When you are ready to take your book on a virtual tour. Podcasting and Radio is definitely the easiest road to take. As you get better and better at your speaking skills then move onto summits, conferences and stage speaking. To learn more about taking your book on a virtual tour, visit me during one of my OPEN Friday Coffees I host almost weekly. It will be worth your time!
Janine Bolon is a double-digit, non-fiction author with 11 books published. She has been a host in radio, audio blogging and podcasting since 1982 and enjoys sharing with published authors how to make money without going into debt. You can get access to her free media kit course for your book’s virtual tour here. https://authorpodcasting.com/free
See more about this and other author episodes at TheJanineBolonShow.com